Vaccine Awareness Week
October 29 - November 4 2024
Make Informed Vaccination Decisions for Yourself or Your Child
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Blacklisting and Censorship Violates Freedom of Thought, Speech and Conscience by Barbara Loe Fisher

Unmasking Censorship During COVID-19

VAW Uncensored
Vaccine Awareness Week began on Sunday, Oct 29th and is dedicated to raising awareness about vaccination, health, and informed consent. Throughout the week new and exclusive interviews, articles and reports will be released and accessible by visiting this webpage and clicking on the link under each Vaccine Awareness Week Schedule feature.
Barbara Loe Fisher's commentary highlights the alarming erosion of freedom of thought, speech, and conscience, particularly in the context of informed consent and advocacy. Please take a moment to watch her message and if you like to read the referenced commentary please click this link here.
Please share these reports! Be sure to click on the images below to download the PDF reports. Save and Share!
Watch this Amazing Interview
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Four Decades of Dedication:
Barbara Loe Fisher's Heartfelt Journey to Safeguard Vaccine Safety and Champion Informed Consent.
Dive into her inspiring story - share the video below.

In the quiet suburb of Washington, D.C., the life of a stay-at-home Mom, Barbara Loe Fisher, took an unexpected turn in 1980 when her bright, healthy two and a half year old son suffered a reaction to his fourth DPT shot. It was a moment forever etched in her memory, as she remembers how her beloved first born child struggled with the ramifications of a decision she made with good intention, believing that a doctor would never give a child something that could cause harm.
Instead of accepting what had happened to her child, Barbara joined with other parents of DPT vaccine injured children in 1982 and then co-authored a 1985 book on pertussis and pertussis vaccine that was the first major critique of the U.S. mass vaccination system. Since then, she has been a voice of reason and compassion in the vaccine safety debate, defining and defending the human right to informed consent to vaccination.
Barbara’s history of tirelessly writing and speaking about vaccine science, policy, law and ethics in print and broadcast interviews and debates, referenced video commentaries, legislative testimony and public presentations is unmatched.
Over the past 40 years, Barbara has seen a disturbing shift in public conversations about vaccination, health and autonomy, especially since the declaration of a coronavirus pandemic in 2020. Parents of vaccine injured children and anyone defending the legal right to make voluntary vaccine decisions are being demonized, persecuted, sanctioned and censored in the digital public square. Her voice and the information that NVIC researches and publishes online has been scrubbed from social media platforms and is being stifled by Internet search engines.
About Our Commitment to Vaccine Safety and Informed Consent
Since 2010, NVIC and Mercola.com have co-sponsored Vaccine Awareness Week to prioritize vaccine safety and informed consent in the U.S. Join us in spreading vital information on vaccines and informed consent during this critical time in our nation's history.

Three Families, Three Testimonies:
The Unspoken Side of Vaccine Reactions

14th Annual Vaccine Awareness Week
October 29 - November 4, 2023
Sunday, Oct. 29
A video interview with Dr. Joe Mercola and NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher will kick off VAW week
Wednesday, Nov. 1
A special report about the silencing of NVIC's voice in the digital public square will be published and accompanied by Barbara's video commentary.
Thursday, Nov. 2
NVIC's 2023 Annual State Vaccine Legislation Report will be published and accompanied by a video commentary with NVIC co-founder and president Barbara Loe Fisher and NVIC Director of State Advocacy Dawn Richardson.
Friday, Nov. 3
The featured film Plandemic 2 will be shown on the Mercola.com website.
NVIC Truth & Freedom Monument in Cape Coral, FL

How you’re helping
Your donation is making a real difference! Thanks to your support for NVIC’s work, we can:
1. ADVOCATE to make vaccine safety and the legal right to exercise voluntary, informed consent to vaccination a national priority.
2. DEFEND freedom of thought, speech and conscience and other civil liberties in America.
3. CALL for more and better quality science to anchor public health policies and laws
4. RESEARCH AND PUBLISH well referenced information on vaccine science, policy, law and ethics to empower individuals to make educated decisions about vaccination and health.
5. ORGANIZE grassroots support for securing strong informed consent protections in state and federal government vaccine policies and laws.
Every contribution brings us one step closer to living in a world where everyone can make informed vaccination decisions voluntarily without fear of being coerced or punished by anyone for the decision made. Together, we're creating a brighter and healthier future. Thank you for being a part of this vital mission.